Recientemente Microsoft ha publicado las siguientes utilidades para Microsoft Exchange 2007, hay algunas realmente muy utiles.

Espero que les sea util… saludos, Roberto Di´Lello.

Exchange Load Generator (32 bit)
Exchange Load Generator is a simulation tool to measure the impact of MAPI clients on Exchange servers.
Exchange Load Generator (64 bit)
Exchange Load Generator is a simulation tool to measure the impact of MAPI clients on Exchange servers.
Exchange Server Jetstress Tool (32 bit)
Simulate disk I/O load on a test server running Exchange to verify the performance and stability of your disk subsystem before putting your server into a production environment.
Exchange Server Jetstress Tool (64 bit)
Simulate disk I/O load on a test server running Exchange to verify the performance and stability of your disk subsystem before putting your server into a production environment.
Exchange Server Public Folder DAV-based Administration Tool
Use this tool to perform various management tasks related to public folders and mailboxes.
Exchange Server 2007 Anti-Spam Migration Tool
This tool helps administrators migrate anti-spam settings from their Exchange 2003 environment to Exchange 2007 environment.
Exchange Server Troubleshooting Assistant v1.1
This tool helps determine the cause of performance, mail flow, and database mounting issues on computers running Microsoft Exchange Server. The tool automates specialized troubleshooting steps for identified symptoms.
Exchange Server 2007 SDK (April 2007)
This release of the Exchange 2007 SDK Documentation and Samples provides new and updated documentation and samples for building applications that use Exchange Server 2007.
Exchange Server 2007 Help
This download contains a standalone version of Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Help.
Microsoft Transporter Suite for Lotus Domino
Microsoft Transporter Suite for Lotus Domino is used for interoperability and migration from Lotus Domino to Active Directory, Exchange Server 2007, and Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.
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By Roberto Di Lello

Hola, soy Roberto Di Lello trabajo como Consultor Senior en Infraestructura, especializado en Tecnologias Microsoft con mas de 25 años en la industria. He sido galardonado como MS-MVP en Active Directory-Enterprise Mobility por 10 años, y actualmente soy MVP Windows Insider, ademas de poseer otras certificaciones de Microsoft. He trabajado en distintos projectos que involucran Migraciones, Implementaciones, y soporte de Active Directory y Microsoft Exchange, y en los ultimos años me he desempeñado armando equipos de trabajo para diferentes paises y areas de sistemas, he planificado a distintas migraciones a datacenters (ambiente cloud y mixtos). He tenido la oportunidad de participar como miembro del staff de Microsoft en eventos internacionales como ser TechEd NorteAmerica y MS Ignite (NA) al ser Trainer Certificado por Microsoft (MCT).

2 thoughts on “Nuevas utilidades para Exchange 2007 publicadas por Microsoft”
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    Thanks in advance!

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