Hoy he tenido un error importante al querer instalar un Exchange 2003 sobre un dominio 2003 R2 (con todos los fixes al día). Realmente es la primera vez que me ocurre, por lo menos con este, y fue al querer extender el Schema. Si, lo primero que pense fue “sone, error grave” por lo que representa, pero me lo tome con calma y revisando la gloriosa KB encontre esta nota, que si bien es para Exchange 2000 funciono correctamente.

Debido al error, y a que no me parecio muy comun decidi postearlo, ya que puede servir de ayuda a muchos, y no es dificil aplicarlo.

Running Exchange 2000 Setup with /Forestprep switch produces Error 0XC1037AE6

Article ID : 328661, Last Review : October 27, 2006, Revision : 4.1

This article was previously published under Q328661


When you try to install Exchange 2000 Server by using the /forestprep switch, Setup may not work. The Exchange Server Setup Progress.log file may contain the following entry:

Error code 0XC1037AE6 (31462): Extending the schema in the Active Directory failed. Please consult the following error log: %s\LDIF.ERR.

The Ldif.err file may contain the following entry:

Add error on line XXX: Unwilling To Perform The server side error is “Schema update failed: duplicate LDAP display name.” An error has occurred in the program.


This issue may be caused if a labeledURI schema object with an lDAPDisplayName of labeledURI already exists in the Active Directory. The labeledURI object may have been created by a third-party program such as the Cisco Systems “Cisco Call Manager” program.


To resolve this issue, use the Microsoft Windows 2000 inetOrgPerson Kit to modify the schema:

Download and Extract the Windows 2000 inetOrgPerson Kit

1. To download the Windows 2000 inetOrgPerson Kit, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnactdir/html/inetopkit.asp (http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnactdir/html/inetopkit.asp)

2. Double-click the W2k_iop_kit.exe file, and then extract the files to the C:\Inetorg folder.
NOTE: You may have to create the C:\Inetorg folder.

Determine the rootDomainNamingContext Value

You can use the Lightweight Directory Protocol (LDP) utility to help determine the rootDomainNamingContext for your domain. The rootDomainNamingContext is required to update the schema. To determine the rootDomainNamingContext:

1. On a Windows 2000 Server-based computer that is running as a domain controller, click Start, and then click Run.

2.In the Open box, type ldp, and then press ENTER.

NOTE: If LDP is not installed on your computer, install LDP. For additional information about how to install LDP, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

255602 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/255602/) Browsing and querying using the LDP utility

3. In LDP, click Connection, and then click Connect.

4.In the Connect dialog box, make no changes to the default settings, and then click OK.

5.In the right pane, note the value that is listed for rootDomainNamingContext.

6.Quit LDP.

Modify the Exchange.ldf File

The Exchange.ldf file is included with the Windows 2000 inetOrgPerson Kit. This file provides a method for modifying the ldapDisplayName value. To modify the Exchange.ldf file:

1.In Windows Explorer, right-click the C:\InetOrg\Exchange.ldf file.

2.Click Open With, click Notepad, and then click OK.

3.In Notepad, replace the value of X for all instances of DC=X, with the value for rootDomainNamingContext that you previously noted in step 5.

4.On the File menu, click Save, and then quit Notepad.

Copy the Exchange.ldf File to the Schema Owner

After you modify the Exchange.ldf file, you must copy it to the domain controller schema owner. To determine which domain controller is the schema owner and copy the file:

1. Click Start, and then click Run.

2. In the Open box, type cmd, and then press ENTER.

3. Type netdom query fsmo, and then press ENTER.

4. Note the value that is returned for Schema owner, and then close the command prompt.

5. Copy the modified Exchange.ldf file to the drive:\Winnt\System32 folder on the domain controller that is running as the schema owner, where drive is the drive on which Windows is installed.

Update the Schema By Using LDIFDE

LDIFDE is a utility in Windows 2000 to support batch-update operations to the Active Directory based on the LDIF file format standard. To use LDIFDE to update the Active Directory:

1. On the Windows 2000-based server that is running as the schema owner, click Start, and then click Run.

2. In the Open box, type cmd, and then press ENTER.

3. Type ldifde -i -f drive:\winnt\system32\exchange.ldf -v where drive is the drive on which Windows is installed, and then press ENTER.

NOTE: If you receive the following error message, you may have to modify the “Schema Update Allowed” registry key:

Schema update is not allowed on this DC. Either the registry key is not set or the DC is not the schema FSMO role owner.

For additional information about how to modify this registry key, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

285172 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/285172/) Schema update require Write Access to schema in Active Directory


When using LDIFDE, you may receive one of the following error messages:

An attempt was made to add an object to the directory with a name that is already in use.


The specified value already exists.

If this occurs, note the value that produced the error message, and then follow these steps:

1. On the domain controller that is running as the schema owner, open the drive:\Winnt\System32\Exchange.ldf file in Notepad, where drive is the drive on which Windows is installed.

2. In Notepad, locate and delete the section that creates the value that you noted in the error message.

3. On the File menu, click Save, and then quit Notepad.

4. On the Windows 2000-based server that is running as the schema owner, click Start, and then click Run.

5. In the Open box, type cmd, and then press ENTER.

6. Type ldifde -i -f drive:\Winnt\System32\exchange.ldf -v where drive is the drive on which Windows is installed, and then press ENTER.

If setup /forestprep does not work after you follow these steps, determine if the same error message is being noted in the Exchange Server Setup Process.log file. If error code 0XC1037AE6 still appears, view the Ldif.err file for an entry that is similar to the following:

Entry DN: CN=Mail-Recipient,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=cpn,DC=net change: modify
Attribute 0) mayContain:secretary Add error on line 2628: No Such Attribute The server side error is “The parameter is incorrect.” An error has occurred in the program

To resolve this issue:

1. On the computer on which the Microsoft Windows inetOrgPerson Kit is installed, right-click the C:\InetOrg\Inetorgperson.ldf file.

2. Click Open With, click Notepad, and then click OK.

3. In Notepad, remove all object-creation sections except the section that creates the attribute that is listed in this error message.

4. On the File menu, click Save, and then quit Notepad.

5. Copy the modified Inetorgperson.ldf file to the drive:\Winnt\System32 folder on the domain controller that is running as the schema owner, where drive is the drive on which Windows is installed.

6. On the Windows 2000-based server that is running as the schema owner, click Start, and then click Run.

7. In the Open box, type cmd, and then press ENTER.

8. Type ldifde -i -f drive:\winnt\system32\inetorgperson.ldf -v where drive is the drive on which Windows is installed, and then press ENTER.

9. Close the command prompt.


For additional information about related topics, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

312371 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/312371/) HOW TO: Prepare the forest by using ForestPrep in Exchange 2000

312407 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/312407/) Requirements for preparing Windows domains for Exchange Server 2003 or for Exchange 2000 Server

255869 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/255869/) Basic troubleshooting for Exchange 2000 installations

The third-party products that are discussed in this article are manufactured by companies that are independent of Microsoft. Microsoft makes no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding the performance or reliability of these products.

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By Roberto Di Lello

Hola, soy Roberto Di Lello trabajo como Consultor Senior en Infraestructura, especializado en Tecnologias Microsoft con mas de 25 años en la industria. He sido galardonado como MS-MVP en Active Directory-Enterprise Mobility por 10 años, y actualmente soy MVP Windows Insider, ademas de poseer otras certificaciones de Microsoft. He trabajado en distintos projectos que involucran Migraciones, Implementaciones, y soporte de Active Directory y Microsoft Exchange, y en los ultimos años me he desempeñado armando equipos de trabajo para diferentes paises y areas de sistemas, he planificado a distintas migraciones a datacenters (ambiente cloud y mixtos). He tenido la oportunidad de participar como miembro del staff de Microsoft en eventos internacionales como ser TechEd NorteAmerica y MS Ignite (NA) al ser Trainer Certificado por Microsoft (MCT).

7 thoughts on “Error instalando Exchange 2003 (OxC1037AE6)”
  1. El unico paper que me ha ayudado a resolver el problema, y actualmente ya estoy en produccion nuevamente con mi Exchange 2003 tras varios problemas…. son los siguientes pasos:

    The component “Microsoft Exchange Forest Preparation” cannot be assigned the action “ForestPrep” because:
    -To install the first Exchange Server in a domain, or to run setup in “/ForestPrep” mode, you must be an
    Exchange Full Administrator at the organization level. You must use an account that has been granted the
    the Full Exchange Administrator role on the Exchange organization using the Exchange Administrative Delegation Wizard

    Muy sencillo (bueno despues de dos dias de romperme la cabeza )

    Primero lean la siguiente guía y con calma porque si no, no lo entenderan

    Segundo (una vez leido la guía)
    Ingresas a tu controlador de dominio (si es que tienes varios servidores y tu exchange esta en otro)
    y en ejecutar pones los sgte: adsiedit.msc y buscas algo de exchange en la primera ventana
    y borras l cadena que encuentres y despues para finalizar buscar dentro de +Configuration [servername.tudominio.com]
    / CN=Services / CN=Microsoft Exchange / (aqui aparece tu organizacion antigua, la que nos quemas las pestañas)
    y lo borras sin miedo, MENOS ó EXCEPTO CN=Active Directory Connections
    solo dejas eso y reinicias el server donde vas ha instalar el exchange y LISTO ¡a mi me funcionó!
    No hace falta reiniciar el equipo, seleccionas la cabecera de Configuration y con el botón derecho haces clic en ‘actualizar esquema’ y ya está.

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    Greetings and thanks!

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